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Tabels are 8 feet long and come with 2 chairs.

Bird Fair Table Rental (NON-MEMBERS)

$82.40 Regular Price
$72.10Sale Price
  • A 3% fee will be added to all orders to help defray the cost of the online transaction.

    All online transactions are fast and secure.

    *All Vendors must agree to the vendor contract below*

    No fee will be applied if you print out the form and mail your payment.


    ​I hereby agree to rent a table(s) or a space(s) from the Acadiana Bird Club, Inc. A 50% deposit or full payment is required by May 6, 2024, to reserve your same table(s) or space.  The balance must be paid by August 30, 2024 for the upcoming fair. The Bird Fair will be on September 28 and 29, 2024 and I understand that I must cancel this agreement, in writing, on or before (August 30, 2024) thirty (30) days before the Fair in order to receive a 50% refund of the full payment. I understand that failing to comply with this I will have to pay the full rental fee, plus all collection feesand postage. Payments for rental tables or spaces within 30 days prior to the Fair willonly be accepted in the form of money order or cash.NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE THIRTY (30) DAYS MENTIONED IN THE 1stPARAGRAPH FOR “NO-SHOWS”. Paid tables will be held until 12:00 noon on Saturday. Atthat time, if the vendor has made no arrangements with the ABC Fair Chairperson, the table willbe made available for rental. Should any event arise causing the non-use of any rented table(s)and or spaces, all rights with regard to those table(s) and or space(s), revert to ABC.The following rates are for one or two days. Center Tables:Member – Tables (8ft.) $60.00 each. SPACE: 14’x10’ WITH THREE TABLES $195.00.Non Members –Tables(8ft.) $70.00 each, Space areas $210.00 eachCharge for use of electric is $10.00***After August 30th., 2024 table prices are:Members – Tables (8ft.) $70.00 each, SPACE AREAS: $205.00 EACH.Non Members – Tables (8ft.) $80.00 each; SPACE AREAS $215.00 EACH.Tables and Spaces are allocated on an as-payment-is-received basis. Although rentals maytentatively be made by telephone, reservation of tables will be considered made only once thevendor’s check clears the ABC bank account. In the event the ABC receives duplicatereservations for the same tables, a reservation submitted with payment will take precedenceover reservation made by telephone. Reservations paid by cash or money order will takeprecedence over those made by check unless check has cleared the bank.Please submit check or money order (payable to Acadiana Bird Club, Inc.) with your reservationform. A service charge of $25.00 will be charged on all returned checks. PLEASE DO NOTMAIL CASH. The ABC cannot be responsible for any lost, late, or misdirected mail.Vendors will receive an entry pass allowing only you and a family member or businessemployee access to your table. Additional parties are allowed only with approval of fairmanagement in advance. All other parties arriving with you will be required to pay theadmission fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!!Rental of table(s) grants the use thereof to only the undersigned individual vendor and/or his orher previously designated family member(s) or business owner and/or their previouslydesignated employee(s)ABC reserves the right to request proof of business, partnership or corporate status.The Acadiana Bird Club, Inc. reserves the right to refuse entrance to any bird consideredquestionable by the ABC. In addition, any bird that displays signs of illness or appears to be sick will be removed from the premises. Any member of the fair committee may make thisdetermination.Vendors may set up their area starting at 4:00 pm Friday September 27th , 2024 and at 7:00 am and on Saturday, April 13th, 2024. Doors will open for public admission beginning at 9:00am onSaturday and 10 am on Sunday. Please be set up and ready before the public come in.Vendor is responsible for keeping his/her table(s) floor area clean. Must have your own table cloths. You must be broken down and loaded up no later the 5:00pm Sunday. Please clean your area before youleave. Vendors are responsible for collecting, reporting, and paying all applicable taxes to the appropriate taxing authority.VENDORS RENTING TABLE(S) MAY NOT RESELL TABLE(S).VENDORS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL CONCESSION ITEMS.VENDORS ARE ALLOWED TO SELL BIRDS & BIRD RELATED ITEMS ONLY.VENDORS WITH LARGE TRAILERS ARE TO PARK IN THE LAST ROW BY THE ROAD.NO PETS ALLOWED. (Cats, Dogs, Bunnies…etc.)NO MORE THAN TWO (2) PEOPLE BEHIND TABLE.NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY.SMOKING IS ALLOWED IN DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY.NO PEDDLING OR SOLICITING WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT TABLE RENTALTABLES MAY NOT BE MOVED BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL.CAGES MUST BE KEPT CLEAN AND PRESENTABLE AND MUST NOT BE OVERCROWDED.WE ASK THAT VENDORS REFRAIN FROM BULK BUYING FROM OTHERVENDORS AT THE FAIR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. THIS WILL ALLOW THEGENERAL PUBLIC THE OPPORTUNITY TO BUY THE EXOTIC BIRD OF THEIRDREAMS AND ALLOW THE VENDORS TO INTERACT WITH THEM.DISCLAIMER:ABC reserves the right to determine acceptance of all applicants. All applications for tablerentals are subject to approval by the Fair Committee.All transactions, sales, and contracts are strictly between buyer and seller, ABC assumes noresponsibility for miscommunications or other problems arising from any transactions.  The ABC, its members, and associates accept no responsibility for accidents, injuries, deaths,thefts, or losses of any kind of nature whatsoever. In addition, I agree to be bound by any and all other provisions and/or resolutions adopted, prior to the upcoming fair by a majority of the Membership at a legally called meeting to ensure the efficient administration of the fair. Acadiana Bird Club, Inc. does not encourage the sale of unweaned baby birds. Vendors are asked to refrain from handing over unweaned babies. We understand that we as vendors we have certain customers that only buy as such, however, with new customers seeking pets we ask that you take deposits for your unweaned babies and plan pick up once weaned. Let’s encourage responsible transactions.

    In addition, I agree to be bound by any and all other provisions and/or resolutions adopted, prior to the upcoming fair by a majority of the Membership at a legally called meeting to ensure the efficient administration of the fair.  Please contact the ABC Fair Chairperson regarding any questions on concerns below.

    Ira Liles, 225-276-3417 (text preferred)

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